Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Parshu to Guardians of 'Malayalee culture'

"O keepers of malayalee traditions & purity answer me this,
Where did the sperms that fertilized the tribe come from?
Stop thumping your hardened chests and crying about
influences of other alien cultures...
Realize that
Your mother was being impregnated through the ages...
your fathers are from many nations- chinese, arab, jew,
greek, roman, egyptians, aborigines, africans and sundry...
Don't shame your good mother, who has never
chased away anyone who came to her: As her sons and
daughters dont defile her womb by taking the name of
cultural purity"

                                        - Songs of Parashu

Malayalees have traces of all races in their gene pool.
Notice that malayalees have a mix and match of many physical features:
straight haired, curly haired, light skinned,
dark skinned, small eyed, large eyed, high cheek boned,
sharp nose, long nose, black eye, light eyed, short, tall...
(only give away today being, the hair factor-
mandatory thick mustache and coconut oiled hair)

"Kerala was claimed from the sea
by the axe of 'Parashuram'
along the south western coast of india"
This legend is the first chapter
in the books of many historians who have traced
Kerala history.

The origin of Kerala is shrouded in mystery like the
thick tropical forest that once covered the land.

(pop history of Kerala to be continued...)

Short films | Made using DSLRs

Now with the Canon EOS 5D MKII , the boys can become men sooner. The rituals of climbing the filmmaking hierarchy will be a lot easier, ...