All human beings are creative and suckers for stories. A story is an illusion of order. To us humans, stories like dreams have therapeutic value. It numbs our minds and reality takes the back door.
We need reason because we strive to create order and make sense of the chaos around us; in doing so we end up creating more chaos. Ironic isn't it !!.
President Bush had to give a new story to the world to stay in power while catering to his country's needs. So Bush prioritized the problem of the world and decided the most appropriate action to save the world was war "Saddam is a danger to the world.... Weapons of mass destruction etc.." A new story idea, alongside Osama Bin Laden... since post cold war the Commies, Castros story wouldn't have any effect on the public psyche.
Human beings are a bundle of needs and the need 'monster' cant be reasoned with. Needs have to be fulfilled and like energy need cannot be destroyed but only changes its form. The need to justify the need does not kill the need. So why look hard for reasons and justifications.
There are identified needs and unidentified needs. The unidentified needs can be mistaken to be an identified need, in humans this mistake often sets in motion an unconscious repetitive behavior patterns leading to frustration and chaos. like when - need for touch manifesting as love, or smoking filling in for the need of silent introspections.
There is this an example of mistaken need that is particularly lethal and common in our worlds now; the need for unconditional acceptance fulfilled in a family scenario expected in a professional environment. You can only imagine the consequence.
Are the needs not reason enough?
When we try to justify the need we construct stories and then become a central character in it, we look around for villains and victims and drag the people around us and their emotions into our personal universes and created a chaos. It is when a lie is cooked up as a reason to justify the need and lull ourself to believe in the reason to act that i and you, suck the people around us into the self created black hole.
So I shall save the story of reason for my love for you. There is only a need, identified or unidentified. I Love You.
an outsider's perception of events, symbols, rituals, beliefs & legends of the Keralite.
Short films | Made using DSLRs
Now with the Canon EOS 5D MKII , the boys can become men sooner. The rituals of climbing the filmmaking hierarchy will be a lot easier, ...
Parashu - "Worn-out by the sun and stress I settled under the tree. Summer sun was scorching my scrotum" - "The fully opened ...
Now with the Canon EOS 5D MKII , the boys can become men sooner. The rituals of climbing the filmmaking hierarchy will be a lot easier, ...
The news spread like a 'camel' ink blot- sisters have begun a hunt... Back in the dorm, he is applying 'cuticura' power on t...